How can you support Stands Free AdBlocker?
Stands Free AdBlocker is free-to-use software. Everyone should have access to it, regardless of whether they can contribute. However, it's only through your ongoing support that we can make this happen. Our users have several options on how they can support us:
- Review our product on Chrome Store. Go to our Chrome Store extension page and rate and review the product in the " Reviews " section.
- Subscribe to our social media.
- Donate any amount of money. We can develop new features and improve our product more quickly. Donations are received through PayPal.
One-time donation
Any amount of money can be donated at once. For a one-time donation, you do not need a PayPal account. On https://www.standsapp.org/donate, you can choose a suggested amount or enter a custom amount.

After clicking on the "Pay with PayPal" button, you will be taken to the next page:

For a one-time donation, you do not need a PayPal account. Just choose “Donate with Debit or Credit card.” You will be asked for your phone number and email address during the payment process. The purpose of this is to ensure that you receive your invoice.
Monthly or yearly donations
There are monthly and yearly donation options available. It is necessary to have a PayPal account to be able to unsubscribe at any time.

Your PayPal account will be charged each month or year. You can cancel your subscription at any time you wish. Please log in to your PayPal account and follow these steps: https://www.paypal.com/us/cshelp/article/what-is-an-automatic-payment-and-how-do-i-update-or-cancel-one-HELP240